Expanding your Twitter Security Network with Formulists

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

Twitter lists are great for organizing your favorite follows into one column or page.  However, manually curating lists can be a laborious task. A couple of weeks ago I got to know about Formulists, a web-app for auto-creating and managing Twitter lists and exploring new people in various ways.

To get your security list done, link your Twitter account to Formulists to group your favorite security-tweeps into a group.

To create a generic list of security tweeps:

Topic: Security
Tweep Search List Options: Don't Exclude People
Basic Options: 40 to 50 - This is more of a personal option
Profile Filter Options: 
 Bio: Infosec OR security OR hacker
 Filter by when they last tweeted: Last 30 days
 Filter by following and followers: More than 50 followers

Now, if you would like to add a list of people who you’re not following yet, do this quick-fix:

Tweep Search" List Options: Exclude people I already follow from list

This should give you a good start feed with bunch of interesting and informative security tweets.

You can follow my personal security list here.

Follow us on @securopia and @gigadeleo.

Happy tweeting 🙂